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 Generado el 21 Octubre 2023 09:00 AM

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Bring Kids Back

Longitud : 15

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Longitud : 0

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Palabras Claves (Keywords)

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Propiedades Meta Og

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H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
9 0 21 3 2 0
  • [H1] The scale of the tragedy
  • [H1] They said we would be adopted, that we would get guardians. When they first told us we would stay longer, we all started crying
  • [H1] I wanted to escape through the backyard but was afraid they might shoot me. So I had to get in the truck with them. It was so scary.
  • [H1] They told us it was an evacuation, and then finally they said we have to stay indefinetely - and that only our parents can come get us out.
  • [H1] The Russians said that my mother did not need me and that I would be given to a fostet family in Russia.
  • [H1] Despite the fact that I had a serious injury, in this hospital they still tried to, well, make me into a kind of a propaganda tool.
  • [H1] They forced to sing the [Russian] national anthem, especially when they came with an inspection.
  • [H1] We need your support!
  • [H1] Media
  • [H3] Since the beginning of unprovoked invasion to Ukraine, thousands of Ukrainian children have been forcibly removed by Russia from their families, friends, and homes.
  • [H3] Under the initiative of the President of Ukraine, the Bring Kids Back UA action plan unites the efforts of Ukrainian government agencies, partner countries, international organizations to bring the genocidal policies of the Russian Federation to an end, and make sure similar tragedies do not happen in the future.
  • [H3] The forced deportation of Ukrainian children is harrowing testament to Russia’s genocidal policy against Ukraine.
  • [H3] DASHA, 13
  • [H3] KHERSON
  • [H3] ARTEM, 13
  • [H3] KHARKIV
  • [H3] NASTYA, 15
  • [H3] KHARKIV
  • [H3] OLEKSANDR, 12
  • [H3] IlLIA, 11
  • [H3] DAYANA, 14
  • [H3] KHERSON
  • [H3] Bring kids home
  • [H3] Reintegration
  • [H3] Family upbringing
  • [H3] Advocacy
  • [H3] Justice
  • [H3] Prevention
  • [H4] Baroness Helena Kennedy to become co-chair of the international expert group Bring Kids Back UA
  • [H4] Ukraine launches information campaign in Russia to return deported Ukrainian children
  • [H4] Representatives of the President's Office told German parliamentarians about Ukrainian children abducted by Russia in the framework of the Bring Kids Back UA project presentation
  • [H5] About us
  • [H5] Our focus areas


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Palabras Clave SEO

Nube de Palabras Clave

deported ukrainian bring back kids ukraine russia international children get

Consistencia de las Palabras Clave

Palabra Clave (Keyword) Contenido Título Palabras Claves (Keywords) Descripción Titulos
children 12
bring 9
back 7
kids 6
ukraine 6



Dominio :

Longitud : 20


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